Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Balancing Act - The life of a Mom(prenuer)

I have a struggle that I think most Mom's have.
Balancing everything.  And I have realized that I can't achieve everything I want to right now.
Slowly I can, but not all at once, and not all right now.

I told my husband.  I wish there were like four of me.  The business me, the Mom me, and the me that lives in NYC and all I do is shop and go to the spa, and the me that would love to go to law school.  But there is only one me - so my life is a balancing act.

I have a bunch of new products that I want to launch and start and at the same time I have all these goals as a mom and things I want to do and see and go with my kids - Thanks to my mother who runs the business, I do have time for my family!!
But I can't even seem to find time to design the products, let along launch them - but I have learned that, that is OK.  patience, patience.

My most important goal is that I am there for my family first.  So I will share all of these great products with all of you soon - but I can't say when :)

And thanks to all of my customers past, present and future!  I love doing what I do - so thank you for making it possible.

1 comment:

  1. I read a story once about a man who was a great juggler. He could juggle 3 bowling pins, 3 oranges, 3 torches. It was incredible. Then one day someone gave him 4 objects to juggle. He started slowly and tried with all his might until he started to drop all 4 of the objects. People started to murmur, this guy is terrible. He can't juggle.
    But he can juggle, 3 not 4.
